Chisholm Trail District is very appreciative of the support provided by the Scouters that support the District and its units. We have three separate awards to recognize them:

The District Award of Merit is awarded to Scouters who render service of an outstanding nature at the District level. The award is presented at the district banquet annually. If you are interested in nominating someone, please download the form and submit to the District committee chair for consideration.

The Trailblazer Award honorees are selected by district leaders and given to Scouters who have made significant contributions to Scouting in the Chisholm Trail District. It is also presented at the annual Chisholm Trail District banquet. Download the nomination form

The Don England Award honorees are selected by district leaders to be awarded to a single individual each year who represents true servant leadership and routinely goes above and beyond for their Pack, Troop, Crew, or Ship.

Award Recipients

YearDistrict Award of MeritTrailblazerDon England Award
2009Keith EdminstonJulia Beaumariage—–
—–Allison HutchersonShean Dalton—–
—–Ken LarsenDan Millett—–
—–—–Darrell Pav—–
—–—–Nadine Schlamp—–
—–—–Darrel Thornton—–
2010Dan MillettDr. Jesus Chavez—–
—–Darrell PavCurtis Churchill—–
—–Bill TuckerJudy Mack—–
—–—–Deborah Matthews—–
—–—–Kent Poulson—–
2011Curtis ChurchillHollis Bone—–
—–Jenny JensenMichelle Coker—–
—–Jeff ScruggsQuida Kammer—–
—–Darrel ThorntonRusty Shepard—–
—–Dave WalshakWanda Wood—–
2012Hollis BoneKristena Bins-Turner—–
—–Michelle CokerRoger Hatch—–
—–Judy MackSusan Kung—–
—–David WalshakRuss Louch—–
—–Mike Sheppard—–—–
2013Dr. Jesus ChavezBob Eskridge—–
—–Randall GoltzmanWendy McBrearty—–
—–Mark KaniaErich Stokes—–
—–Jill StrodeTrey Walls—–
2014Troy DaeschnerChris George—–
—–Quida KammerJude Leger—–
—–Steve MolloyTina Leger—–
—–Trey WallsTwyla McKennon—–
—–—–Chuck Tully—–
—–—–Mark Walters—–
—–—–Sam West—–
2015Michael BarnettJohn Bryant—–
—–Tina LegerKeith Kammer—–
—–Wanda WoodAnita McLaury—–
—–—–Brian McLaury—–
—–—–Pam Rabaey—–
—–—–Bob Rauner—–
—–—–Sam Summer—–
—–—–Dawn Ulbricht—–
2016John BryantBill Conrad—–
—–Twyla McKennonRandall Goltzman—–
—–Brian McLauryJennifer Pitman—–
—–Bob RaunerJohn Ulbricht—–
2017Jennifer PittmanDan Higgins—–
—–Dawn UlbrichtJenny Rhea Eisenhauer—–
—–John Ulbricht—–—–
2018Dan HigginsBrian Crum—–
—–Amy BurtAmy Burt—–
—–Kevin BierschenkKevin Bierschenk—–
2019Jenny Rhea EisenhauerJana Cobb—–
—–David PassarellaTre Cowan—–
—–Jimmy PuckettGareth Deakes—–
—–—–Ricky Guerra—–
—–—–Eric Kline—–
2023Gareth DeakesDave CanalesBilly Moran
—–Eric KlineEd Teran—–
2024Mark WaltersDoug BrownMisty Morse
—–Bob EskridgeAndrew Collins—–
—–—–Jen Bourquin—–
—–—–Andrea Guerra—–
2025Jen BourquinBrandon SimonJim Claro
—–Doug BrownDavid Halter—–
—–—–Ed Seidenberg—–
—–—–Michael Reuland—–
—–—–Munira Yahya—–
—–—–Patricia Cruz—–
YearDistrict Award of MeritTrailblazerDon England Award